Builders & Construction
The innovative world of home automation and its applications is entering from day to day more and more in the working processes that are part of different levels, from the design to the realization.
For this reason our target audience is composed of a variety of figures, professional and not, to which we offer our services.
More and more, for the construction operators, it becomes important to add value to their constructions. For this reason today the home automation and integrated security can be the right tool to fully valorized the constructions of both civil and industrial.
Reliable, simple to use and install, as well as expandable in time by those who buy home, the kit MODUS base allows the manufacturer or the real estate operator to offer a basic home automation system, which can then be implemented with low costs.
The result will be an increased perceived value of the property that contributes quicker to its sale.
In addition to the products for the construction of home automation systems , OBS SRL provides customized security solutions ad hoc for construction sites of builders and contractors with formula of purchase or rental.